Thursday, December 3, 2009

Synergy: When abstract art is more than the sum of its parts.

Prints are available at:

I've been totally surprised by the success of "Synergy" over the years. It just doesn't cease to amaze me how much people have become drawn to it. Synergy was my first trip into the world of abstract art. I had simply spent a weekend playing with paint on an old canvas that already had something else painted on it. And it would figure, wouldn't it - that the old canvas with the new painting on it would become a pivot point towards my decision to make art a full time pursuit. I apparently couldn't have planned this if had wanted to.

There were no drawings, no real thought that had gone into it, yet the piece seemed to have decided to be despite my lack of experience creating abstract art. To this day, I haven't been able to repeat it in quite the same way.

The piece had hung on a wall in my bedroom for a few years - and then moved with me when I bought my house. It then took a perfect place on the back closet wall where it is easily viewable to anyone entering in the back door. The color demands your attention, and the moving shapes and static sphere's command your emotion. All that and yet, I still don't know WHY it works.

I find myself trying to pry into a viewer's thoughts (if I could only read minds) so that I can get a glimpse of what they see when they are looking at the piece, but no one to date has been able to give me a tangible answer.

Then one day, my dear husband - out of seemingly no where - simply stated that it looked like a vase of flowers. I had to stop and look at the piece again. I thought he was kidding, I really did, and then he explained what he saw...and the synergy of the piece became a little more real to me. I am often now left wondering if I had sub-consciously hung the painting that way....

Although I often get the impression that more realistic art sells better than abstracts I can totally understand why artists love to paint them. They are simply a statement of creativity and nothing else. They go where they are lead and yet become a mirror into the moment. Much of abstract art is he Synergy of the artist and their art...Immortalized- if you will- on a canvas forever.

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