Well, it's been a very long time since I have built a website - why? Because I hate doing it. It's never complete and needs constant attention.
Luckily, I have found a great CMS that just works great for a portfolio site and you can see it at www.lauraswink.com.
So now that it's over and published, it's time to move on to bigger things.
Now that I work from my office at home, I have a little more time to plan out new works. It's great to cut 2 hours out of your day which is otherwise dedicated to traveling and lunch hours. This makes it easy to plan a day around producing new work.
I think this new year, I'm finally going to put together that awesome collection of work I have been trying so hard to get to. This has got to be the year, or I should just chuck it all. Really, just chuck it in the trash.
Here's the latest - Urban Apparitions. Yes, an acrylic piece that looks a whole lot like an oil painting.
I think it's been pretty successful, it certain is dramatic.
Thanks all!